
Crazy Tek Studio

Discover the story behind our passion for creating immersive gaming experiences.

Our Journey

From humble beginnings to a renowned game studio.

Our Mission

At Crazy Tek Studio, we strive to redefine the boundaries of game development by harnessing the transformative potential of blockchain technology.

Our mission is to craft immersive and enduring gaming landscapes where players can create cherished memories with family and friends.

By empowering players with the tools to shape their own narratives, we aim to cultivate a vibrant community bound by creativity, camaraderie, and shared experiences. Through our relentless commitment to innovation and community-centric approach, we aspire to become a beacon of excellence in the gaming industry, bringing joy and meaningful connections to lives across the globe.

Our Culture

Creating a diverse and inclusive environment where creativity thrives.


We strive to push the boundaries of gaming technology and design.


We believe in the power of collaboration and diverse perspectives.


We are committed to delivering high-quality, immersive gaming experiences.


We believe in the power of play and the joy of gaming.


We are committed to doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.


We believe in giving back to the communities where we live and work.


We believe in building lasting friendships with our players and fans.

Our Talented Team

Meet the passionate individuals behind your favorite games.

João Novo Photo
João Novo

CEO / Founder

Making dreams a Reality!

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© 2025 Crazy Tek Studio